Astro Love Daily Zodiac  

Earthly Branch Attraction and Fighting Relationships

Attraction Relationship of Branches/Zodiacs

The attraction relationship of Earthly Branches is from the relative positions (in the sky) of Sun and Moon in an old calendar system.

Earth Attraction Rat (1) and Cow (2) like each other and generate Earth ingredient.

Dragon (5) and Chicken (10) like each other and generate Metal ingredient.

Snake (6) and Monkey (9) like each other and generate Water ingredient.

Tiger (3) and Pig (12) like each other and generate Wood ingredient.

Rabbit (4) and Dog(11) like each other and generate Fire ingredient.

Fighting Relationship of Branches/Zodiacs

Just like Stem relationship, the fighting relationship is from relative positions of the elements.  Chinese considered "face to face" as the fighting relationship. Wood is in the east and faces Metal in the West.  Water is in the north and faces Fire in the south. They are dislike each other, so they live in different places. Also, same genders reject each other which is natural.

Earth Fighting Relaionship Rat (1) and Horse (7) will fight each other.

Cow (2) and Sheep (8) will fight each other.

Tiger (3) and Monkey (9) will fight each other.

Rabbit (4) and Chicken (10) will fight each other.

Dragon (5) and Dog (11) will fight each other.

Snake (6) and Pig (12) will fight each other.

There is an Fighting Relationship when the difference of two Stem sequences is six.

Chinese Astrology Applications

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