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About Master Tsai Chinese Five Element Astrology

Master Tsai' Chinese Astrology uses the traditional Chinese fortunetelling theory, Four Pillars of Destiny, to predict people's fortune. The Chinese astrological Ba-Zi birth charts are built by the Chinese fortunetelling calendar, which is dynamically calculated using the astronomical solar/lunar data for 24 different time zones. We want to make sure our websites deliver accurate Chinese Astrology birth charts to people in non-China time zones. Hopefully, people don't have question about their Chinese Horoscope animal signs when they were born around Chinese New Year day.

Millions of Internet users have visited Master Tsai' www.chinesefortunecalendar.com, which was launched on January 28, 1999. The contents of the website contains Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Lunar Calendar, Chinese Farmer's Almanac, Feng Shui, Baby Gender Prediction, Baby Name, Chinese Holidays and Chinese cultures. We thank you for the continuing supports and visiting. We will continue to provide more free Chinese Astrology information for the coming years.

The mirror site of Chinese Fortune Calendar, www.chineseastrologyonline.com was also launch on January 17, 2000. We launched the www.5d8z.com, a concise Chinese character version site of www.chinesefortunecalendar.com on January 11, 2008. Now, we launch www.mastertsai.com to focus and provide more Chinese astrology, Four Pillars of Destiny for people interesting in leaning Chinese astrology.

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